Bendy Chapter 2: A New Path(Remastered)

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You fell down a long hole, then fell unconsious. You wake up in a place new to you. Can you find a way out?

Map Updates

3 years ago

THE REMASTER UPDATE(Don't read if you wanna be surprised)

Made the cutscene with Raptor a bit better.
Made it dark at the part when it's meant to be dark and a reason as to why it happens.
Changed all the sentries to actually look like Raptor.

3 years ago

Fixed a bug where you could get stuck at the secret switch to get into the person's secret room.
Made some improvements to the tapes(moved them so they could be seen easier), added some music to the end and made the death barrier a little bit faster near the end.
Fixed it to where you could touch the 2nd checkpoint a bit too early, now the door has to be unlocked to use it, thus not having a chance to result in a soft lock.

3 years ago

Added a name for the chapter


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Bendy Chapter 2: A New Path(Remastered)

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