◇1-5 Players ◇2 Endings During summer vacation, I met a girl who drew creepy pictures, which led me to spend... 5202-8846-6371 【HORROR】なつやすみ SUMMER BREAK Scary / Spooky, Adventure, Mini-Game
私は中古住宅を安く買えてとても満足していた。 その引っ越し作業中にこの家の間取り図を見つけたのだが、自分の持っている間取り図となにか違う…おかしい… そしてその違和感は恐怖へと変わっていく… I was very happy to buy a used house at a reasonable price. During the moving process,... 4242-9535-5901 Strange House 奇妙な家【HORROR】 Scary / Spooky, Adventure
It was about 10 days ago that news broke that a monster had appeared... Now the whole world is full... 3154-5109-0536 【HORROR】Crazy School クレイジースクール Scary / Spooky, Adventure, Mini-Game
You find yourself in a strange alleyway, with no memories and no idea who you are... You start walking to... 1899-1007-2241 LOST [HORROR] Scary / Spooky, Adventure, Deathrun
1-4 player Horror map The company has ordered you to clear out an old house, where you will have a... 2124-3772-1297 【HORROR】古い家 Old House Open World, Scary / Spooky, Escape Maze
1-4 player Horror map 僕らがバスで来たのは山奥の小さな川。 好奇心から用水路に足を踏み入れた僕は、 怖くも不思議な体験をすることになる… We came by bus to a small river deep in the mountains. Out... 2177-7525-0979 【HORROR】河童 Kappa Scary / Spooky, Adventure, Escape Maze
1-4 player Horror map 僕の学校には怪しい“開かずの間”がある… その謎を暴くため夜中の学校へ忍び込んだのだが… 僕は恐怖を体験することになってしまった… My school has a suspicious "unopened room"... I sneaked into the school at... 1763-0948-3769 【HORROR】スクール school Scary / Spooky, Adventure
A number of strange phenomena occur at a Japanese inn... The hidden room there is a gateway to more nightmares..!... 5508-8477-8558 【HORROR】怪奇百聞2 Kaiki Hyakubun2 Scary / Spooky, Adventure
1-4 player Horror map You're just going about your daily life, when suddenly you're summoned to a creepy house... Inside,... 5692-0940-8731 怪奇百聞 Kaiki Hyakubun Scary / Spooky, Adventure
English ver.[Sazae's house2 ~kagome,kagome~]→3948-1341-4578 【1~6人用ホラーマップ】 制作:YouTubeセインチャンネル【クリサポ→SEINCH】 6680-1344-7806 サザエの家 2 ~かごめかごめ~ Scary / Spooky
日本語版「サザエの家」→0411-4141-9910 YouTube:セインチャンネルpresents 1~4 player Horror map [ Creator Support : SEINCH ] 3092-2610-9240 Sazae's House -サザエの家- [Horror] Scary / Spooky
English ver.[Sazae's house] 3092-2610-9240 【1~4人用ホラーマップ】制作:YouTubeセインチャンネル 【クリサポ : SEINCH】 0411-4141-9910 サザエの家 Scary / Spooky
1-16Player Horror Escape map / YouTube:セインチャンネル / クリサポ(Creator support):SEINCH 7454-0498-1395 人喰いの家 HAUNTED HOUSE Scary / Spooky, Escape Maze
1-6 Player Horror Map [Creator Support : SEINCH] 0552-0234-6499 サザエの家4 -SAZAE'S HOUSE4-[HORROR] Scary / Spooky, Escape Maze
1-16 Player Zombie Horror Escape map Escape from a house with ghosts and zombies! 2306-3148-8019 HAUNTED HOUSE Scary / Spooky, Escape Maze
1-6 Player Horror Map [Creator Support : SEINCH] Produced by セインチャンネル(YouTube) 9359-4147-3450 サザエの家3-SAZAE'S HOUSE3-[HORROR] Scary / Spooky
日本語版「サザエの家2 ~かごめかごめ~」→6680-1344-7806 YouTube:セインチャンネルpresents 1~6player Horror map 【Creator Support : SEINCH】 3948-1341-4578 Sazae's house2~kagomekagome~English ver. Scary / Spooky