v213 Members

About v213

(= Hi & Welcome!! =)

The Basics about Creator v213 (aka ViralCREATIONS):

  • I’m an OG.
  • I run GetMoGaming on YouTube & Twitter (It’s a chill channel – I don’t sweat it!)
  • I’m a thinker! – I think!
  • I enjoy creating clever maps, different maps, fun maps and just generally messing around with signals in Fortnite Creative.
  • I prefer making Solo maps, so I can completely control what the player sees and hears without distraction. But I don’t limit my maps to only Solo. If I have another map idea, I’ll get building.
  • It takes me a long time to complete a map because I’m a perfectionist (Not as good as it sounds – it’s a hindrance). But my maps are always well-made when they are finally completed.

I’d like to thank everyone who has supported my creativity using my Creator Code “v213″. I literally can’t do it without your support.

If you haven’t supported me yet, please consider doing so using creator code v213. It means so much to my creativity. It gives me a lot of motivation. So Thank You!

Current Status

So Tommy Flitch was a complete success!! I’m so happy people enjoyed playing it!! (Especially considering there was a sound glitch that I had to work around!) Thanks to all my fellow YouTubers for spreading the word with playthroughs, too.

I’ve already started my next map, thanks to your support. I’m trying something different. A story-driven 4-player co-op sci-fi adventure. Don’t expect another Jump-scare fest. This will be something new and different. I’m not going to say anymore as I’m still deciding on the details as I go. Just so my supporters know, it could take a long time to reach the release phase. But when it is released, you know it’ll be solid 😉

To be kept up-to-date, follow me on Twitter or sub to my YT channel. (I don’t mad-post, just chill stuff really)


-virus213 of ViralCREATIONS

Support This Creator

Support v213 by using their code in the item shop.
