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Welcome to Over-Nite, the one stop for multiple PVP modes with no rounds, meaning little to no downtime in between game modes! The only times you need to wait for the match to start is when the map goes into Matchmaking Mode, which happens after every mode is finished. Matchmaking Mode lasts two minutes, but can be skipped anytime if all the players already in the map vote to skip.

As of now, this map contains five game modes: Team Deathmatch, King of the Hill, Capture the Flag, Zombie Apocalypse, and Oddball, all of which being Team based-PVP modes where you can have up to five people on each team. If you never get a full lobby, don't worry, these maps are fairly small (most averaging around 20x20 in area), so the action never stops! More game modes will be added over time, and if you have a fun idea, I might think of adding it to the roster!


(Special Thanks to FinnTheCoookie on Twitter for making the map trailer!)

Map Updates

1 year ago

- Added a trailer for the Discover menu (Special Thanks to FinnTheCoookie on Twitter for making it)
- Reduced the Matchmaking Timer from three minutes to two minutes
- Added an Accolade for headshot eliminations (if Accolades ever get activated on the map)
- Replaced the Heavy Shotgun with the Ranger Shotgun in the "Tactical" loadout
- Replaced the Striker Pump Shotgun with the Maven Auto Shotgun in the "Default" loadout
- Fixed an issue where the "Llama Holder" tag on the Oddball mode would still show up on other gamemodes
- Added ledges near the top hallway to easily mantle up there instead of taking the stairs
- Changed the Oddball score goal from 100 to 80

1 year ago

- NEW MODE, Oddball!! (Objective: Hold onto the Jewel Llama to gain points for your team overtime. First team to reach the goal wins!)
- Due to how the map works, the elimination stat tracker from the lobby area has been removed.
- Added text in the Change Weapons section of the lobby, to tell players that you can change loadouts through the scoreboard menu
- Added a 150% movement increase for when you're in the lobby area
- Changed the inventory space to be 5, to better help mouse and keyboard players play on the map.
- Changed multiple things in the description to other multiple things to make sure all the multiples weren't cluttering the description... Multiple.
- Fixed an issue where the welcome messages would show up for everyone instead of the triggering player
- Lowered the fog density in the Crumbled map
- Lowered the amount of effects in the lobby to help with performance

1 year ago

- Adjusted the score goals for certain modes to make it easier to complete. These changes include:
(Team Deathmatch goal from 50 to 40 elims)
(King of the Hill goal from 100 to 75 points)
(Capture the Flag goal from 5 to 4 points)
- Added the Health Recharge function, which will refill your health (1 tick per second) after 6.5 seconds from taking damage


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  • 2 - 10 Players
  • 3 Copies
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