SCP: SL - Fortnite Edition

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SCP: Secret Laboratory - Regular Mode

Factions - Class-D Personnel, SCP Subjects, Scientists, Nine-Tailed Fox, Chaos Insurgency, Serpents Hand. Play the classic edition of the game, exactly how it should be played normally. Escape the Facility using Keycards, and be the last faction standing at the end of the match!

SCP-682 Gamemode

2 Factions: SCP-682 and the Nine-Tailed Fox. SCP-682 has broken out of his Containment Chamber and is slaughtering everything in his path! The Mobile Task Force need to recontain him before it's too late! You have 5 minutes to Recontain SCP-682, before the Alpha Warhead detonates!

Blackout Gamemode

The same as Regular Mode. 6 Factions, escape the Facility, y'know the Drill. SCP-079 has shut off all of the Lights in the Facility, causing it to be extremely dark wherever you go, and you cannot see until something is in front of you. Extra Flashlights spawn in this mode, as carrying one is almost Essential for you not to get lost! Scientist's also now spawn with Flashlights. In short the map is much much darker, and you need a portable light source to see.


This is a fan port of SCP: Secret Laboratory, Made by Northwood Studios. Fortnite Creative Version by TactTact_. Will you escape the facility?

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SCP: SL - Fortnite Edition

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SCP: Secret Laboratory - Regular Mode

Factions - Class-D Personnel, SCP Subjects, Scientists, Nine-Tailed Fox, Chaos Insurgency, Serpents Hand. Play the classic edition of the game, exactly how it should be played normally. Escape the Facility using Keycards, and be the last faction standing at the end of the match!

SCP-682 Gamemode

2 Factions: SCP-682 and the Nine-Tailed Fox. SCP-682 has broken out of his Containment Chamber and is slaughtering everything in his path! The Mobile Task Force need to recontain him before it's too late! You have 5 minutes to Recontain SCP-682, before the Alpha Warhead detonates!

Blackout Gamemode

The same as Regular Mode. 6 Factions, escape the Facility, y'know the Drill. SCP-079 has shut off all of the Lights in the Facility, causing it to be extremely dark wherever you go, and you cannot see until something is in front of you. Extra Flashlights spawn in this mode, as carrying one is almost Essential for you not to get lost! Scientist's also now spawn with Flashlights. In short the map is much much darker, and you need a portable light source to see.

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