Start off with nothing. WHACK your money tree until you earn enough coins to upgrade to an AUTO COIN MACHINE and then unlock the rest of the market for attack and defend options. Unlock The Secret Sewer to reveal Sundee's Combos hes previously used. Destroy the enemies bed leaving them with only 1 life left! Last team standing Goodluck
- Feature Friday Winner
Map Updates
**Instead of a 1v1v1v1 it is now capable of up to 16 players, 4v4v4v4.
**Changed the cost of the panic button. From 300 coins down to 250.
**Changed the cost of the secret sewer. From 400 coins to 300.
**Added Matchmaking
**Added an extra wood spawn in each base beside their money tree.
**added a pregame
**Added a locker for each team
**Added a truck located outside in the back of each base assigned to that team specifically.
**Removed the canon's since they are no longer in creative.
Gameplay info
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It won’t work
Whenever I have people with me it ends right away
ok I will look into this!
whenever i am with people it ends right away
hey man my bad! i made it for ssundee so i had custom teams, you need to choose teams in the pregame lobby
so i can be ssundee or sigils or nico
I am so happy to meet you