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Tomb Raider: Temple of Scion

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๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ Classic Tomb Raider Design
๐Ÿ’ฌ Authentic Narrative
๐Ÿงฉ Themed Puzzles
๐ŸŒŸ Nostalgic Locations
๐ŸŽŽ Classic & Modern Mode
๐Ÿน New Crafting Bench

Take on the Classic Tomb Raider Challenge. Traverse tricky environments, dodge deadly traps and navigate the ancient grounds of The Scion Temple to find the answers you seek, and escape the Tomb alive! Are you the Ultimate Tomb Raider?!

"This Game was created so long ago, prior to mantling and all the updated features of Fortnite and had grown so outdated! I did my best to bring it up to a modern Fortnite standard, while still upholding the integrity of the original build".

Map Updates

2 years ago

- The Avalon "Cutscene" has been fixed.
- The "Cutscene" Barrier has been fixed.
- Overhanging Water Device in Water Chamber has been adjusted.

2 years ago

"This Game was created so long ago, prior to mantling and all the updated features of Fortnite and had grown so outdated! I did my best to bring it up to a modern Fortnite standard, while still upholding the integrity of the original build".

- Sprinting has (finally) been enabled.
- Mantling has (finally) been enabled.
- The Water Chamber has been updated.
- The Burrows has been updated.
- The Colosseum has been updated.
- Lighting has been updated.
- Water Tiles have been changed to Water Devices.
- Pre-Lobby Area has been updated.
- Pre-Lobby has been changed from 'Auto' to "Press to Play"
- SAC Terminal has been added to Pre-Lobby.

- Initial Inventory Grant has been fixed.
- Mode Select has been fixed.
- Flickering Quest Text at Game Start has been fixed.
- Crafting Bench has been fixed.
- Torches have been fixed.
- Rocket Grant has been fixed/changed.
- Map Indicator has been fixed.
- Ability to Skip the Colosseum has been fixed.
- Ability to Collect the Colosseum Artifact early has been fixed.

3 years ago

Fixed Issues caused by v19.10 Update.
Map Indicators have been updated to accommodate Mandatory Icons.


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Game Overview

Game Playthrough

  • 1 Players
  • 81 Copies
  • Published

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Tomb Raider: Temple of Scion

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