🌍Massive OPEN WORLD Battlefield🌍
🔫Upgrade your Weaponry🔫
✈️Tanks, Planes, Helicopters, Battle Buses and much more!
🏆Work as a team to secure victory!
- Feature Friday Winner
Map Updates
Fixed previous update bugs
Changed landscape to provide better cover for 'Military' team, improving game balance. Adjusted gold price of most vending machines to make it easier to unlock stronger weapons. Increased damage boost powerup amount. Significant description and bullet point modifications.
- Decreased utility costs
- Changed Military team starting weapon (infantry rifle --> twin mag assault rifle)
- Added Repair Torch
- Fixed Military team music disable bug
- Significant landscape modifications
- Added 'block boulder' to tunnel entrances
- Lowered Weapon Prices
- Improved anti-tank zones (exploit)
- Balanced team weaponry
- Improved pre-game experience
- Improved proximity chat
- Increased ammo on weapon purchase
- Replaced 'Elimination Siphon' with 'Team Damage Boost' Powerup
- Decreased lobby wait timer
- Fixed various bugs
- Team balancing imporoved
- Fixed tank turret bug
- Removed 'disable' effect on tank exit
- Improved music volume
- Fixed lobby music not disabling with settings
- Added new season 4 weapons
- Improved HUD messages
- Improved overall gameplay experience
- Looped music, no more stopping
- Decreased lobby wait timer
- Fixed mini shields not dropping on death
Fixed game-breaking bug where 'team 3' would be created on second round.
- Increased player count (20 --> 24)
- New weapons
- Mod bench in middle of arena
- Improved HUD message visibility
- Implemented vehicle purchase feed notifications
- Improved objective visibility
- Balanced default AI positioning
- Improved damage zone hitboxes
- Removed elimination zone in lakes
- Improved landscape
- Added more obstacles (cover)
- Reduced AI count
- Fixed helicopter not respawning
- Increased sprint duration (20%)
- Increased tunnel alert system volume
- Removed exploits
- Major bug fixes
- Added tunnel system
- Modified SFX
- Added vehicle purchase notifications
- Improved guard pathing
- Fixed common exploits
- Removed HUD on briefing cinematic
- Major bug fixes
- Added ammo crates
- Buffed tank & war bus health (+2500HP)
- Increased supply drop count (+1)
- Removed helicopter cost (now spawns on timer)
- Significant bug fixes
- Round timer
- Helicopter
- Thermal Weapons
- Ground item despawner
- Realistic custom sky
- Day/night cycle
- Anvil launcher (Special Forces)
- Challenges (for extra Gold + XP)
- Significantly improved lighting
- Fixed capture zone bug
- Increased anvil launcher price (300 Gold --> 325 Gold)
- Mini shields --> Shield potion (Military)
- Can now view briefing on join in progress
- Reduced tank cost (400 Gold --> 350 Gold)
- Fixed battle bus weapon bug
- Improved music
- Fixed bugs
- Shield potions
- New gadgets
Improved HUD message visibility
- Added recon equipment
- Buffed vehicles
- Fixed significant gameplay bugs
- Decreased objective health values
- Added 'recall device' (teleports players back to base)
- Improved supply drops
- Simplified gameplay experience
- Fixed HUD bugs
Crucial bug fixes
- Fixed issue where players would spawn in the sky, not in a team
- Improved gameplay
- Added join in progress
- Decreased shop prices (~20%)
- Nerfed guard aim
- Fixed capture area gold reward bug
- Fixed un-drivable plane
- Simplified HUD
- Added new weapons, depending on the team
- Increased nametag visibility
- Added supply drops
- Increased player health (100 --> 125)
- Major bug fixes
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