Food Suppliers (Social Deduction Game)

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5-6 Players

(Voice/Text Chat is required for the whole entire game)

(Based on the Steam game "Mindnight")

Pizza Pit is Sabotaging Durr Burger's Food Supplies!

In the Durr Burger's food supply factory, there appears to be two people working for Pizza Pit and sabotaging the Burger ingredients. We only have a limited amount of ingredients, so we need the correct people to supply the burgers.

How to Play

There is a Food Supply Factory for Durr Burger, and they're supplying food for their burgers. However, there are two members of Pizza Pit secretly disguised as suppliers working there! Players will be proposing groups of two or three to go supply the ingredients. After proposing, players will vote if they should supply or not. If the majority agrees, the group will then supply the ingredients. However, if a Pizza Pit member gets selected to supply, they have an optional choice of sabotaging the whole burger by sending in the wrong ingredients. If you do this, try to convince the others that you were not the player in the group who sabotaged it. If three burgers were properly supplied, then Durr Burger wins. However, if three burgers get sabotaged, then Pizza Pit wins.

If all the players got to propose already in a round, then the food supply truck will leave early, causing Pizza Pit to win.

Good luck and have fun yelling at each other.


Map Updates

3 years ago

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed votes showing incorrect results
- Fixed game freezing after voting
- Fixed if you're a certain player and if you work for Pizza Pit, your sabotages counted twice if you worked for Pizza Pit
- Fixed if you're a certain player and if you work for Pizza Pit, you couldn't sabotage and only supply the correct ingredients.
- Fixed Pizza Pit sabotage getting counted if there was a one player sabotage a previous round and on the next round, there wasn't a sabotage

- Fixed "sabotage" being misspelled as "sabatoge"


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  • 5 - 6 Players
  • 37 Copies
  • Published
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Food Suppliers (Social Deduction Game)

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