- Each round is 1 of 4 game modes - These 4 modes cycle for 40 rounds 0255-7951-3475 RNG - Box Fight & Zone War Zone Wars, Box Fight, Free for All
Select a team with your teammate and play in Box Fights and Zone Wars alternating every round. 6908-9204-7901 DUOS - Box Fight & Zone War Box Fight
Each Round is either a "Box Fight" or a "Zone War" with Chapter 4 weapons 3476-2461-9264 CH4 - Box Fight & Zone War Zone Wars, Mini-Game, Box Fight, Free for All
Each round is eaither a "Box Fight" or "Zone War" 9865-8968-0491 RNG - Box Fight & Zone War Zone Wars, Box Fight, Free for All
Each Round is either a "Box Fight" or a "Zone War" 3515-0375-5877 Box Fight & Zone War - FFA Zone Wars, Box Fight, Free for All
Race against the storm while completing a deathrun trying to eliminate your friends 1754-4829-6787 16 Player DeathRun ZoneWar Racing, Parkour, Zone Wars, Deathrun
Each Round is either a "Box Fight" or a "Zone War" 1742-8828-5161 Box Fight & Zone War - 1v1-2v2-4v4 Zone Wars, Box Fight