Tommy Flitch

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It's been one year to the night that Tommy Flitch disappeared. Drawn in by the legend, one foolish dare begins a descent into the unknown.

Tommy Flitch is a story-driven survival scare fest to tingle your soul and tickle your awareness. Includes 3 hidden challenges which, if completed, allows you to explore behind-the-scenes with special abilities and loadout. A clue to the three challenges can be found in the start box.

Sound plays an important role in the experience: Best experienced with headphones or headset!

"Stay with the light when all is told,
for in the darkness hell unfold"

(I'll leave out the spooky details because the less you know about this map before you play it, the better your experience will be. Just be sure to collect as much health items as possible. It's a rewarding horror survival story. That's all I'll say 😉)

"I asked the Son b'fore I lay,
that I should live just one more day,
I heard him exclaim as I fell to the black,
'Nobody but ME should ever come back'"

Enjoy the experience...


Map Updates

2 years ago

[Release Ver. 12] (maintenance)
+ Fixed these Island Rot problems caused by Fortnite updates:
- Torch sets fire to things.
- Passages in "Upside-down room" impassable (Character size change?).
- Lock was moved away from door with secret weapon crate inside, so it was open.
- Al lamps had reset to default size.
- Sentry was not spawning correctly.
- Other small things like sounds not triggering.
Fixed all of these degradations or "Island Rot" issues caused by Fortnite updates over the last months. The game now seems to be working effectively again.

3 years ago

[Release Ver. 11]
+ Fixed issue where double doors would stay locked after death-by-goblin, stopping player from continuing from respawn point.
+ Extended Goblin damage field-of-effect to the double doors. Nowhere to run now!
+ In final run ("Escape The Blackness"), at the point where the player jumps out from the first swim, an underwater platform was added to make it easier to get out of the water.

3 years ago

[Release Ver. 10]
+ Fixed issue where player could get stuck on a chair in the Upsy-Downsy room.
+ Fixed issue where Barrier Plate Device wasn't hiding the Goblin (after double doors) at game start.
+ Removed the Lights-Override Button left over from testing. (D'oh!)


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Hey so I died after opening the double doors, I grabbed the key from the attic of the basement house thingy, went back opened the double doors where the flame goblin statue is, I died to flame damage, and after responding I have no key and the key isn’t anywhere in the map. The double doors are locked and I’m deadlocked. Idk if it’s a glitch or what but I exited and tried again, re played the whole thing up until that point, died, and the same thing happened. No key doors locked, just super frustrating. I was really into it until that happened. I want to finish the story and play it out but I literally can’t progress cuz there’s no re entering that door


**respawning not responding


I’ll try again today and hopefully won’t die. I’ll leave a review of the game afterwards


I loved this map. I admit it, I failed once 😅 but I found the scenario greatly built, and the story highly intriguing. Looking forwards to more maps!

ur nan

holy fuck ur shit is ass you made the areas when you have to do parkour shit crowded asf plus in the ending when theres a timer for you to “escape the darkness” on the first 30 seconds i couldnt even jump wtf is ur programming

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Tommy Flitch

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