Star's BattleGrounds

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"Dive down and loot up in this 24-Player Mini BR, filled with new POIs, a custom loot pool, and a Gulag!"

This is a Mini BR map that is fully made from the ground up, with custom terrain, custom loot pool, a working Gulag, other new mechanics, and a Matchmaking mechanic for the beginning of every round. Like every other Mini BR map out there, your goal is to become the last one standing by getting weapons and items to eliminate every one on the map. If you end up dying within the first five minutes of the match, you will be sent to the Gulag. It works very similar to the one in COD: Warzone, where you and an opponent will face each other in a 1v1 to redeem a second chance at winning the game. Eliminate your opponent in the Gulag to get sent back onto the main island.

As previously mentioned in the beginning of the "About The Map" section, this map has its own Matchmaking mechanic. In the beginning of every round, every player will be put in a Spawn Island. The map will try to get people who are entering the map via Matchmaking into your session. This Matchmaking session lasts for a minute and a half, and once the timer on there ends, matchmaking on your current session will be disabled and all players can start playing the actual Mini BR. If all the players want to skip the timer, everyone is given a choice at Spawn Island to end the Matchmaking timer and start playing. Matchmaking will be re-enabled at the beginning of the next round.

As per usual for every Mini BR map, I will be trying my best to give this map new updates at a fairly decent pace. Sometimes it'll be a few bug fixes, while others can introduce a new mechanic to the map, I will constantly be updating this map to make sure it won't go stale anytime soon. Whenever I do publish a new update to the map, I will be sure to update everyone on this site, my Twitter account, or my Discord server.

Map Updates

2 years ago

- New POI: Arid Arch (Location: Very bottom left of the map)
- Removed the Inflate-A-Bull from the Loot Pool due to an issue of players clipping through the terrain with it
- Added the Ice cream Cone and Guzzling Ice cream Cone to the Loot Pool
- Player Names no longer show up when playing
- Fixed an issue where the Gulag would stop working after the first match-up
- You can now sprint indefinitely in Spawn Island
- Removed all Motorboats on the map
- Reduced the Plane spawns at Combine Catwalk from 2 to 1
- Fixed an issue where the Gulag would stop working if both players died to the death barrier
- Added a new mechanic to the Bank at Griddy Goers, where you can now harvest Gold to spend in Vending Machines


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  • 2 - 24 Players
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