Tact's Custom BR (New Orpheus) - Solos

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[2-16] Tact's Custom BR (New Orpheus) - Solos: 2x Harvesting, 50 Siphon, Vaults, Swimmable Water and custom Terrain!

-6 Main POIs

These areas contain multiple chest spawns, and contain a lot more loot or special mechanics.

-8 Landmarks

These are smaller areas, that have a couple chest spawns (usually between 1 and 3) that serve as a useful landing spot if you want to avoid bigger fights.

Unique Mechanics;

Some POIs within New Orpheus have some special mechanics or abilities.

-Suit Up;

Land at Sudoman Labs and visit the Development Room! You can stand on the central platform and apply a 1.25x damage boost to the player! Then visit the Vault in the Laboratory building for some free loot, and an old invention by the Sudoman Labs staff. Maybe take a X-4 Stormwing on your way out.

-All Aboard!;

Land at the Creator Carrier to visit the Armory. The Armory contains a lot of open, and maybe powerful loot. This POI is in the sky, so you can't access it by normal means. This means you have a lot of sniping potential. Take an Island Launchpad or Plane to get here otherwise. Use the Blades on the Wings of the Carrier to get down, or take an X-4 Stormwing from the front deck.

-Deja Vu;

Hyper Space is back, in a new layout. The buildings are the exact same as before, with a new addition. Welcome the Durrr Burger! You can still teleport between random buildings here too. We also added Billboards that allow players to Matchmake into both Mini BR maps, Aether and New Orpheus!

-Fishing anyone?

Fishy Ferns has 4 fishing spots that regenerate random fish. Pick up the two harpoons and start fishing. Or y'know, walk in the lake and grab that chest buried down there. There is also another Labyrinth here. Seems similar to another one in another map.

-The Meteor

where'd this come from you ask? Wasn't there a meteor in Aether too? Correct. The reason the Meteor in Aether bloomed into Calm Caves, is because of Sudoman Lab's Rift Tech. It's here now in New Orpheus.

-Community Named POI

Bean Burg as a Landmark was named mid-stream of the maps creation. You guys made this POI. Good job on the Peppers I guess lol


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Tact's Custom BR (New Orpheus) - Solos

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