Star's Warzone

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Star's Warzone

The main game mode with all the mini BR goodness.

24 Player Test

A copied version of Star's Warzone's most recent update as of April 13th to help test out the possibilities of 24 player lobbies.

Nexus Thread Live Event

The device at Floating Fortress is fully complete. What will its goal be this time?


A mini BR with 10 unique POIs, interesting mechanics, like BluGlo and Sidegrade Stations, and an Arena, which acts very similar to the Gulag system in COD Warzone.

Map Trailers:

Map Updates

3 years ago

- We are now testing out a new way for Arena players to be checked automatically instead of through hitting a trigger. This may cause some bugs in the beginning, but they should all be fixed within time.
- Changed the harvesting style from Save the World to Battle Royale.
- Adjusted the lighting settings to be more bright and saturated.
- Fixed an issue where the teleported that appears after the Arena closes wasn’t visible
- Players in the Arena are given special attributes (Some important ones to mention are item drop/pickup turned off, no pickaxe, full health and shield, and a health indicator when focused on).
- Added extra messages to the Arena to help new players understand the Arena more
- Hop rocks are now in the game, and can be found at Nexus Network!
- The crystals at Nexus Network are starting to spread.
- Added food trucks around the island that serve many different healing items for 150 of wood, brick, or metal.
- Reduced the control time of the Arena Capture Point from 20 seconds to 10 seconds
- The motel at Boomin’ Businesses is almost finished!
- Vehicles now lose health overtime if they are in the water
- Readjusted the Tele-Tracker name on the map to cover the whole mountain.
- Reduced the wait time in Storm phases 2, 5 and 6
- Increased Storm damage in phases 3, 4, 5 and 6
- Reduced the move distance in Storm phases 1 and 2

3 years ago

Season 2 Release Hotfix

- Renamed the island from "Star's Warzone" to "Star's Warzone (Season 2)"
- Added teleporters in the Arena if the Arena is closed and you are stuck without an opponent
- Fixed an issue where Arena winners weren't granted 150 of each material after leaving the Arena
- Replaced the Small Fries with a Harpoon Gun in the Vending Machine at Fishy Foods
- Reduced the prices of all Vending Machines items by 30-50 of each material
- Increased the BluGlo's effect length from 30 seconds to a minute
- Reduced the amount of health overtime from the BluGlo's effect from 2 tick to 1 tick

3 years ago

Season 2 Release Update

General Changes
- New additions
- The Nexus Point: Once you go inside of it, you will be sent through time and space for only a second, until you get sent back to the very top of the map. If you have an extra slot in your inventory, you will be granted gliders!
- Vending Machines: Each POI (Except for Nexus Network) all have a unique Vending Machine with their own loot
- Driftboards have been added around the map! Grab one and hang ten!
- New Consumable! BluGlo: A sticky substance that gives out a lot of energy for a bit when consumed (Can only be found at BLU Base)
- Increased the max move distance in storm phases 1 and 2
- Increased the storm bound radius from 300m to 400m
- Removed all Quadcrasher spawn pads. They have either been replaced by ATKs or Driftboards.
- Reduced the amount of rounds from 10 to 5.
- Removed the Aggression mechanic, due to not having much use when watching others play.
- Changed one of the items the Arena winner gets. (Lever Action Shotgun -> Pump Shotgun)
- Reworked the Arena closing to fix certain bugs and reduce memory.
- Fixed a bug that made you die when jumping too high in the Arena.

Map Changes
- Renamed Arctic Airlines to Astro Airlines
- Changed my Twitter @ self promo thing in Boomin’ Businesses
- The motel in Boomin’ Businesses is further into construction
- Some of the floor loot were removed to better help with performance in the beginning of matches
- Removed POIs
- Floating Fortress
- High Hike
- Ghouly Graves
- Risen Rents
- Funky Forest
- New POIs
- Nexus Network: After the Nexus Point was exposed, the land surrounding it had changed, leaving no trace of Floating Fortress anywhere.
- R.A.M. Recon: A flyship from R.A.M. (Representative of Alternate Metaverses) was sent down to help the Loopers restore what the device had caused the Nexus Point
- Storm Studies: A familiar research lab from S.C.I. (Storm Control Institution) has made its way into Star’s Warzone!...But the question is how they got out of the Loop Break?
- Tele-Tracker: A radio communications station has replaced the once beloved, 3/5 star rated hiking spot. Hopefully they are good enough to help the Nexus Point to justify its replacement.
- BLU Base: A sub-division of S.C.I. also have gotten a research lab set up, but instead of researching the storm, they are looking into a weird substance known as BluGlo.
- Raiders Retreat: A base was built near Astro Airlines from a group of Raiders that go by {REDACTED}
- Special Shoutouts:
- OpTiC_TiLT (Helped with BLU Base and Raiders Retreat)
- StopSignLegend (Helped with BLU Base and Raiders Retreat)
- RagingMemer (Helped with BLU Base and Raiders Retreat)
- freeman9120 (Helped with BLU Base and Raiders Retreat)
- Dr. Skulzar (Helped with the Season 2 trailer)
- Summer Drift (Helped with the Season 2 trailer)


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Teaser Trailer

Release Trailer

Season 2 Trailer

  • 2 - 16 Players
  • 21 Copies
  • Published

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Star's Warzone

Copy » Paste » Play! Need Help?

Star's Warzone

The main game mode with all the mini BR goodness.

24 Player Test

A copied version of Star's Warzone's most recent update as of April 13th to help test out the possibilities of 24 player lobbies.

Nexus Thread Live Event

The device at Floating Fortress is fully complete. What will its goal be this time?

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